Sustainable Ecosystems

Communities of the Gulf Coast refuse to be a sacrifice zone any longer.

  • The Gulf Coast continues to be a site of powerful community resistance against the devastating impacts of not only fossil fuel extraction from its land and waters, but also the stealing of land, people and labor from this region as a sacrifice zone to the country.
  • Continued investment in the dying industry of fossil fuels in this region, as we see the world shifting energy economies to renewable and clean energy, perpetuates the cycle of generational poverty this region has already suffered from far too long.
  • This is our home, not a sacrifice zone. We demand a just transition now.

For a sustainable climate and environment, we want to see:

    • A halt to the expansion of offshore drilling projects and fossil fuel development in the Gulf South.
      • From Hurricane Katrina to the disappearance of entire islands below rising waters such as Isle de Jean Charles, Gulf Coast communities have known devastating climate impacts and the despicably slow and inadequate responses those impacts receive from our country’s leaders. Black, Brown, and poor communities, who are hit first and hardest by the impacts of climate change, continue to face abandonment when these disasters strike.
      • We want see and end to the expansion of the fossil fuel industry: no new tar sands pipelines, no new coal mines, no new offshore drilling, no new fracking, and no new leases of public lands for fossil fuel extraction of any kind. We’d be better off investing all that capital in a clean energy economy and into our communities education, health, and cooperative economic infrastructure development.
      • From BP to Shell, millions of gallons of oil from offshore drilling infrastructure have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. These types of accidents are devastating, dangerous, and inevitable if offshore drilling continues in the Gulf. Furthermore, the toxic chemical dispersants used in unprecedented levels during the BP oil disaster have untold consequences on long term ecosystem development.
      • By allowing offshore drilling, the Gulf South region continues to be offered up as a sacrifice zone for the fossil fuel industry.